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Remote debugging


As ipdb has some issues with gevent and monkey patching we are only able to debug using vanilla pdb currently.

To set this up locally:

  1. Install remote-pdb-client pip install remote-pdb-client or just pip install -r requirements-dev.txt.
  2. Ensure you have the following in dev.env:
    • PYTHONBREAKPOINT=remote_pdb.set_trace
    • REMOTE_PDB_PORT=4444
  3. Sprinkle some breakpoint()s liberally in your code.
  4. Bring up the docker containers docker compose up.
  5. Listen to remote pdb using remotepdb_client --host localhost --port 4444.
  6. Go and break things http://dataworkspace.test:8000.


To debug via the pycharm remote debugger you will need to jump through a few hoops:

  1. Configure docker-compose.yml as a remote interpreter:
    Remote interpreter config

  2. Configure a python debug server for pydev-pycharm to connect to. You will need to ensure the path mapping
    is set to the path of your dev environment:
    Python debug server

  3. Bring up the containers:
    docker compose up

  4. Start the pycharm debugger:
    Start the debugger

  5. Add a breakpoint using pydev-pycharm:
    Pydev breakpoint

  6. Profit:
    Pycharm debug output


Below are the basic steps for debugging remotely with vscode. They are confirmed to work but may needs some tweaks so feel free to update the docs:

  1. Install the Docker and Python debug plugins.
  2. Add a remote debug configuration to your launch.json:
      "configurations": [
          "name": "Python: Remote Attach",
          "type": "python",
          "request": "attach",
          "connect": {
            "host": "",
            "port": 4444
          "pathMappings": [
              "localRoot": "${workspaceFolder}/dataworkspace",
              "remoteRoot": "/dataworkspace"
  3. Add the following code snippet to the file that you wish to debug:
    import debugpy
    debugpy.listen(('', 4444))
  4. Set a breakpoint in your code:
  5. Bring up the containers:
    docker compose up
  6. Start the remote python debugger:
    Vscode run debug
  7. Load the relevant page http://dataworkspace.test:8000.
  8. Start debugging:
    vscode debugger